"The Best Marketing in the World Can't Fix a Bad Product"

Happy New Year!

Let's go straight into the topic for this topic: bad marketing or bad product?

Skip to 6:15 in this video: http://www.inc.com/gary-vaynerchuk/askgaryvee-episode-162-best-marketing-cant-fix-a-bad-product.html

A viewer of The #AskGaryVeeShow asks whether or not how you "distinguish between bad marketing strategy that's not working and just having a crappy product?"

You may hire great minds and try various marketing strategies known in your field, but, if you have a product or service that's subprime - or even if your business isn't being run properly - the best marketing strategies known to mankind won't help solve your problems - be it help selling the product or improving your brand.

To have a great brand or to increase sales/revenue for your product/service, you need to genuinely have a valuable service or product that people want. To be a good brand, your company should be a responsible corporate citizen of your respective communities.

However, if you have a good product or service, great marketing can help your product or service reach beyond its potential.

What are your thoughts? Leave a comment below of your take on this topic.

3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

Businesses Need Presentable Websites

As a small-to-midsize enterprise, you may wonder if you really need a website. After all, they might just be trying to get you to make a website to grow their profits. That's probably true too and I won't deny that. However, your business really should have a presentable, well-made website.

Your business really should have a presentable, well-made website.

1) Entry-Way into Marketplace

A website is the entry step into the marketplace for your company's products and services offerings. The customer also gets access to your offerings 24/7 and can gain information or make a decision at any given time. Regardless of what it is that you offer, you give the customer the power to learn more and make a decision about the marketplace and competition.

2) Credibility

In this day and age, customers expect a business to have a website. We live in the information era and people have access to significant levels of information. They also believe that this information should be readily available for their consumption.

By having a website, you meet your customer's expectations and present yourself as a credible entity that is up-to-date with the environment in which you live in.

3) Market Penetration & Competitive Necessity

Existing customers tend to come back to your website as well - which means you can sell to repeat customers. By using certain retention tactics (such as offering personalized offers or recommendations), you can improve customer retention rates for your business, which is a great long-term strategy for your business.

Though you don't need to have a website, your competitors may have one. You do not always have to copy what your competitors do, but it will, in my opinion, help your business tremendously by having one. Majority of people use online search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Weibo, etc.) and may find you because of online searches. Along with that, you may be giving your competitors who do have a website an advantage.

4 Steps to Increase Visitors to Your Website

Steps to Increase Visitors to Your Blog

Successful inbound marketing strategy lies around the concept of being able to publish content (tips, tricks, advise, etc.) to potential customers/clients that they can use to grow their business/organization. A company blog is one of the vital channels that, without it, the traditional inbound strategy fails to create quality leads for your company.

To increase visits to your website and in order to have the successful stream of leads, you must have some sort of channel to send content out to the masses. In many cases, an informative blog will engage the readers (visitors) to your website.

Everyone's time is valuable so I'll keep the steps to increase visitors to your blog short:

  1. Create content that people want to read
  2. Make sure you use keywords you want to target for the page
  3. Make the title eye-catching and attention-grabbing
  4. Advertise, share, and spread the word

What you publish has to be information that people will find valuable. The information should be useful for the end reader.

For example, when I click on articles to read, I click on the link because I find it as an opportunity to be able to learn more about an area of industry I am interested in. I may click on other links as well because they may offer productivity or 'life hacks' that I could possibly use in my day-to-day activities. Just like that, your content should be informative for whatever group of people you choose to target your content to.